We provide our clients with a range of Talent Solutions which meet today’s demanding need to hire the best talent quickly. Utilising our AI based recruitment technology, we can provide you with:
“Pic n’ Mix”
A new approach to permanent hiring. Rather than us telling you what you need, we work together to decide on the best solutions based around your current and longer-term needs. This could include utilizing our video interviewing technology, building a competency interviewing panel or personality profiling – the choice is yours.
“The Pipeline”
Whether you are looking for succession planning for key hires within your business, or, would like to identify and engage with diverse candidates to meet your D&I strategy, our Pipeline solution would be for you.
“One Day Hire”
One of the biggest talent challenges we face can be the length of time it takes to replace a leaver within your team. Our “One Day Hiring” solution can ensure that you have a ready-made candidate to extend an offer on the same day that your current employee resigns.
“The Start-up”
“Turnover for vanity, profit for sanity, but cash-flow is King”. Our solutions for start-ups allow you to pay monthly for your permanent hire. Spread the cost over 6 or 12 months and have the assurance of a full rebate period during this time.